Vaderdag op de Vecht

For father’s day Deef’s family organized a boattrip for Deef’s granddad. We went for a three hours trip over the Loodsdrechtse plassen en de Vecht. Andrea had a marvelous time. She enjoyed the time outside on the deck in the sun but also the time inside at the bottom of the stairs. Here she stood for at least half an hour looking at everybody passing by and grandpa standing and waving at the top of the stairs. In the car on the way back she slept for 20 minutes. After that she did not want to sleep any longer. This did not affect her mood. She remained very cheerful. After dinner we skyped with opa en omi and it seemed that she really recognized them. This was for the first time asĀ far as I know.

One Response to Vaderdag op de Vecht

  1. omi&opa says:

    I think she really did recogniced us. those people she more hears then sees. It was fun. omi

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